
Getting Error 0xC000007B when starting

This error means that you are mixing up 32 bit environments with 64 ones, i.e. having a 64-bit executable but 32-bit DLLs in one directory.
Never do that! If you downloaded say the 64 bit version of the client, stick to that.
If you for some reason decide that you want the 32 bit version too, keep it in it's own folder.

Everything looks "zoomed in" so that you can't click anything

This usually appears when your screen has got some weird resolution that nobody else in the world is using.
To fix it, you can make the interface smaller:
  • Open the gameconsole by pressing F1
  • Type `ui_scale 80` and press enter
  • Go to Settings → Graphics to change either the resolution to something sane (16:9 recommended) or adjust the ui scale

Doesn't start on Linux

If you are trying to run the pre-built client on linux and it just doesn't do anything, it's most likely you'll have to compile it yourself.
To identify the problem: open a terminal, cd into to your AllTheHaxx folder and type ./AllTheHaxx
It will say you what's going on.
  • If it says 'No Permission', do `chmod +x AllTheHaxx` and run it again. Don't use sudo!
  • If it indicates a wrong libc version or something similar, there is no easy fix than compiling yourself.

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